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Everything happens for a reason…

I have, I’ll sadly admit, not been going to meetings much lately. This is the first time in 10 years I can say this, and I’m not happy about it. But life got in the way. I tried to rearrange my schedule so that I could have more weeknights free, so I started going to meetings on weekends. But then I was either traveling or had house guests every weekend for months. Literally. I’ve managed to get in my monthly weigh in, but I have stayed for precious few meetings.

Enter POINTS Plus.

I learned the other day that WW has totally changed the POINTS program for the first time in my 10 year tenure as a WW (my anniversary is coming up – 4/3/11!). I’m reserving judgement until I hear all the details at a meeting this week, but I can’t help but wonder if someone up there didn’t put this change in my life at this time to re-energize my committment to healthy living and eating. I love mastering new things, and as a self-appointed WW expert I’m now back at the beginning with a whole new set of rules. It’s going to become harder for a while – I can estimate old PTS in my head without even trying. That skill, though fun at parties, will no longer serve me. And I don’t think I”ll be as easily able to figure out the new formula b/c it’s more complex (fat/carbs/fiber/protein instead of calories/fat/fiber).

Stay tuned for more about my adventures in re-learning the WW program. I still believe that the old tried and true principles of Eat Less, Move More apply, and that Filling Foods are always the best choice. I’m curious to see what changes I’ll make to my own staple diet as a result of this, too. I look forward to sharing the journey along with you!

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